APEX → Direct

It’s not for everyone, but it might work for you.

Some growers wish to deal directly with their input supplier and bypass their local dealer to obtain the best price possible. It’s worked pretty well with some inputs such as agriculture chemicals but has been more difficult with soybean seed due to the logistics of larger shipments and lack of service options.

Now you can have the best of both with APEX Direct. Direct from the production plant pricing through Resor Seeds, your local APEX dealer.

We are working with ProHarvest, an official distributor of APEX Brand Enlist soybeans to streamline our distribution and offer significant savings to growers who can order and pay for seed by October 31st , and take delivery during the winter months (January thru March). This saves us the expense of additional warehouse construction and employee’s to service in season soybean deliveries, distribution, treating and warehousing.

Contact us today